Medically Reviewed by Dr. David Lee Hill
Protecting your oral health is essential for your comfort and well-being. So, when problems with your oral health occur, it is vital that you choose the right professional to conduct your treatment. Choosing a highly skilled oral surgeon with extensive experience is an excellent way to get back to feeling your best quickly.
However, to only call a specialist an “oral surgeon” may overlook part of their expertise if they are actually “oral & maxillofacial surgeons.” Maxillofacial surgery is a field of surgery dedicated to maintaining and improving the functions of the lower portions of the face and jaw.
Why Choose an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon?
There are several reasons why oral surgeons who perform maxillofacial surgery are excellent providers of oral health care. Becoming an oral and maxillofacial surgeon requires completion of dental school, as well as a four-to-six-year residency program in a hospital-based setting. During this time, surgeons like Dr. Hill receive extensive training and experience in the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, including dentoalveolar surgery, dental implants, bone grafting, corrective jaw surgery, facial trauma, TMJ disorders, the safe application and administration of anesthesia, and more. Choosing a highly skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeon to perform these treatments can deliver life-changing results, so you need to ensure you’re in the safest hands.
For example, you can rely on our own oral surgeon, Dr. David Lee Hill, Jr. Here at Chapel Hill Oral Surgery, Dr. Hill is a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon. This means that Dr. Hill is highly trained and experienced in the specialist area of oral and maxillofacial surgery, offering all the advantages discussed above.
Safety is Our Oral Surgeon’s Priority
At Chapel Hill Oral Surgery, nothing matters more to us than the safety of our patients. We embrace a unique, full-team approach to anesthesia, including an on-site Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Registered Nurse (PACU RN) for every procedure that requires general or IV sedation.
This full-team approach to anesthesia is a key part of what makes Chapel Hill Oral Surgery Exactly Like Nowhere Else™.
The Benefits of Maxillofacial Surgery by Oral Surgeons
Selecting an oral surgeon who is able to combine the skills of maxillofacial surgery with oral surgery can provide comprehensive benefits for more complex issues. Treatments that benefit from the skills of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon include jaw surgery and frenectomies.
If you require jaw surgery, it is essential to know that your surgeon has both oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery skills and experience. Surgery to your jaw can create changes that significantly impact your face’s appearance. The specialized skills of a combined oral and maxillofacial surgeon can help to avoid or minimize any potential changes to your appearance. A frenectomy is another treatment that benefits from the precision of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon like Dr. Hill at Chapel Hill Oral Surgery. The surgery involves removing tissue to allow for greater movement of the tongue and lips.
Learn More About Oral Surgery at Chapel Hill Oral Surgery
If you’re looking for an oral surgeon specializing in maxillofacial and oral surgery in the Chapel Hill, Durham, or Hillsborough areas, Chapel Hill Oral Surgery can help. Our extensive experience and services ensure that you will always receive the highest standard of care. Learn more about all of our oral and maxillofacial surgery options to restore your smile and find the best treatment for your needs.